Mowing is an important part of keeping your lawn healthy.  A dull lawnmower blade actually rips or tears the grass rather than cutting it evenly.  Ripping or tearing can create a breeding ground for disease and other problems in the plant tissue.  Cutting the grass too short is another common mistake that encourages weed growth, increases heat stress during dry or hot periods and make your lawn more susceptible to insects and disease.

  • Always keep your lawnmower blades sharp by checking them periodically.
  • Set the mower blade to a height that cuts no more than the top 1/3 of the grass plant; this encourages stronger roots.
  • Cutting the grass too short causes it to lose moisture much quicker.
  • Allow clippings from frequent mowing to remain on the lawn, they help retain moisture and return nutrients to the plants.

Lawn Maintenance

  • Optimum mowing height of 2.5-3.5 inches
  • Mow regularly with sharp rotary or reel mower
  • Tall fescue forms very little thatch


  • Optimum mowing height of 2.5-3.5 inches
  • Bluegrass may develop some thatch at higher nitrogen levels, best time to de-thatch is in early fall.


Diseases and pests are natural occurrences, even in well maintained lawns.  If you think that you have a problem or for more information for prevention, please contact your local professional lawn care service.

Ultra 3D Sod Blend Bluegrass Mix

Northern Hills Sod Farm, LLC


Tall Fescue/Ultra 3D Blend Bluegrass Mix


Tall Fescue/Ultra 3D Sod Blend Bluegrass Mix & Ultra 3D Sod Blend Bluegrass Mix

Both grasses require 1/2 inch to 1 inch of water as a deep soaking every 3 to 7 days to encourage a deep, healthy root system during hot or dry weather.  Avoid frequent, shallow watering, which results in shallow roots and permitting weed germination and growth.

Watering Tips

  • Make absolutely certain that water is getting to all areas of your new lawn, regardless of the type of sprinkler system you use.  Corners, edges, and areas next to buildings are easily missed by many sprinklers and are particularly vulnerable to drying out faster that the center portion of your lawn.
  • Runoff may occur on some soils and sloped areas before the soil is adequately moist.  To conserve water and ensure adequate soak-in, turn off the water when runoff begins, wait 30 minutes to one hour and restart the watering on the same area, repeating this process until the correct soil moisture is achieved.
  • Water as early in the morning as possible to take advantage of cooler temperatures and less wind.  This helps the loss of water because of evaporation and helps prevent some diseases.
  • Infrequent and deep watering is preferred to frequent and shallow watering because the roots will only grow as deeply as its most frequently available water supply.  Deeply rooted grass has a better ability to survive drought and hot weather that rapidly dries out the upper soil layer.

Fertilizer acts as vitamins for your lawn-using too much is harmful, using too little when needed can result in susceptibility to diseases and poor health.  A healthy, well maintained lawn is pleasing to look at and increases the value of the home.

When do I fertilize my lawn?

The best time to fertilize cool-season grasses is in late spring or early fall.

What is in a bag of fertilizer and why is it important?

A bag of fertilizer contains nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).  Nitrogen helps plants to grow rapidly and produce large amounts of green leaves.  Phosphorus helps with seedling development, cell building and root growth.  Potassium helps the entire cell structure of a plant by making it more resistant to disease and physical damage due to heavy foot traffic. 

What type and how much fertilizer should I use?

If you have any questions call your local lawn care service.

How do I apply fertilizer?

Always use a broadcast spreader or a drop spreader.  Make sure the calibration setting is correct on the spreader according to the manufacturer.  Adjust the spreader application dial to distribute 1/2 the fertilizer bag/s recommended setting.  This allows two applications of the recommended coverage, which assures even and thorough coverage.  Make the first application in an up-and-down pattern, covering the entire lawn.  Begin the second application immediately, in a left-to-right pattern to cover the entire lawn.