Northern Hills Sod Farm, LLC

Sod Facts

Did you know...?

  • Sod can reduce glare by 20-30%.
  • Sod is the most cost effective solution to wind and water erosion.
  • Grass clippings are 90% water by weight.
  • Grass is the third most important source of oxygen behind trees and algae.
  • An acre of grass produces more oxygen than an acre of rain forest.
  • Sod helps purify water entering the ground because the root mass and microbes act as filters and break down many pollutants.
  • The roots of a single plant can have up to 390 miles of roots.
  • Sodded lawns absorb about 10 times more water than seeded lawns.
  • A football field has the cooling capacity of a 70 ton air conditioner, the average home-size central air unit is a 3-4 ton capacity.
  • A grassed area of a 70 foot distance on a roadside can abate obtrusive vehicle noises by 40%
  • The water rate of sod is lower than most trees and shrubs.
  • A turf area just 50 feet by 50 feet absorbs carbon dioxide, ozone, hydrogen fluoride and perosyacatyl nitrate and releases enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four.  The grass and trees along the US interstate highway system release enough oxygen to support 22 million people.
  • More calories are burned per hour by digging (516), mowing (458), weeding (295), and raking (222); compared to tennis (446), aerobics (421), walking at 3 mph (228), and volleyball (204).
  • Sod offers the least expensive, safest form of outdoor surface for sports and recreation.
  • Green growing sod is considerably cooler (88 degrees) in August than dry, bare soil (102 degrees), brown dormant turf (126 degrees), or synthetic turf (158 degrees).
  • The cycles and growth of grass and lawns can positively affect people's moods.  It has been shown that hospital patients with views into landscapes tend to recover more quickly than those without a grassy green view.